1 Peter 4:12 (ESV) Beloved, do not be surprised at the “fiery trial” when it comes upon you to “test” you, as though “something strange” were happening to you. Note the words, “SOMETHING STRANGE!” Something strange like, “You are the most productive person in the company, and they need to reduce cost, so they release you.” Something strange inexplicable like, “You buy a dream home in the country and then Loudoun County desgnates property next to you for a land fill.” The point is that when Scripture says, “something strange” it truly means, “something strange”. Maybe you can relate to “something strange” that has already happened to you. We are warned so that we will not be surprised when “something strange” something foreign to the Christian experience happens. Notice that this “strange event” is described as a “fiery trial” that cones to “test” us.