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Our Legacy: (Each statement we make with a smile.) 1. God speaks today 2. Scriptures are God Breathed 3. Jesus loves us and died for us 4. Faith is hearing God then obeying 5. Holy Spirit is God in the man 6. Freedom, The Little Red Wagon 7. Male leadership exalts the woman 8. Holy Fire Tools are Gifts of the Spirit Embracing these truths will enable us to dismantle, neuter, and defeat anything Satan throws at us. These messages redirect the conversation to Jesus who holds the answer to all questions of mankind. #1 God Speaks Today Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV) God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” This is an absolute truth. When we are seemingly standing alone against the lies of this dark world, we know that God who created all things and who has dominion authority over all things speaks to us. As an unbeliever in a hopeless destitute situation, I cried out to God, and HE change my situation in 24 hours. God moved on my behalf. No one can take that from me, and no one can change my mind. Much like the blind man who Jesus healed, I proclaim, “One thing I do know, I was blind, now I see.”