John 14:16 (ESV) And I will ask the Father, and HE will give you Another Helper, Para/klē/tos, to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth.  Jesus will soon be returning to God the Father. Jesus wants to reassure HIS disciples that HE is not abandoning them nor is HE abandoning us. Therefore, HE is going to send “Another Helper” to be with them and us forever. The word “Another” is significate and literally means another of the same kind.  Thus, Jesus will send a Helper equal to Himself. The original Greek word for Helper is Para/klē/tos which means “called to one’s side” serving as an aid, advisor, a legal advocate, a mediator, or intercessor. There is not an English word that captures the meaning. Therefore, this word has been translated as Helper, Advocate, Comforter, Counselor trying to capture the full meaning. The NIV uses Advocate.  None of these terms satisfactorily represents the meaning of paraklētos. Therefore, some people prefer to leave it untranslated. Paraklētos is found four times in the Gospel of John and once in the First John, but nowhere else in the NT. In the Gospel of John paraklētos describes the Holy Spirit to be sent to the disciples after Jesus’ return to the Father.  However, in 1 John paraklētos refers to Jesus Himself as our advocate. Therefore, it is not surprising Jesus described the Holy Spirit as ‘another’ paraklētos, like Himself.  This paraklētos is the Spirit of truth; a gift to each believer.